A Designer's Blog!

Assignment 1

What did I learn from this process?

No matter what I do, no matter what meta tags or titles I put, my website will not show up on a search engine. This is even worse than having it show up second or something like that. I still think this is because of Google; I doubt it even updated yet.


So, eventually, my website did show up on Google, but in 9th place. This is a very big mess to me non-the-less because the link google provided is old, and therefore, broken. I had to copy my index.html and paste it with a different name to adapt to Google’s outdated result.

However, there are many things which I’ve learned from this Digital Footprint Experience. First, I learned how to put metatags into my website, which makes it easier for search engines like Google to find my website! Secondly, I learned that I can submit my website to Google, as well as use WebMaster Tools to upload any information they might need to my result to be more refines (keep in mind, though, this did not help because my result is still crap). Lastly, I learned about site-maps and how they help in the search process for Google.

I am glad I discovered some of these techniques, and I am happy to say that I have even used them in my own personal website. Thanks Alex!



Continuing My Digital Footprint

In an effort to expand my digital footprint, I plan on joining other social networks where I can either post my work, or lead people further into who I am by introducing links to my other social networks. With this combination, I can create a strong impression as an artist, and make myself easily accessible to others. My plan of sharing these links will hopefully allow information on me (my digital footprint) to become more intertwined for when I am searched in various search engines.

To me, an alias is important; an alias can resemble a level of creativity, or just make a simple mark on a page. Using a consistent alias (each time attached with my name), I am able to further link parts of my digital footprint together. My current alias is, of course, LoadingShoe.

Considering I am already using many social networking websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and even Flickr (very recent), I would say it is already pretty easy to find me across the web. This, and the fact that my last name is so incredibly rare, makes it so easy to find me through a simple search engine. What I am very happy about in particular is that the first impressions people will have of me (with the use of a search engine, I mean)  will always be directly related to art. This is because my personal portfolio is the first to pop up when my name is searched.

However, as I grow and continue to sharpen my digital art skills, I will need to update my personal portfolio. This is how I feel people will get to know me as a creative person.


So I recently posted up a video on Vimeo! That just popped up to being number 4 on my google list! Now all I have to do is script the website I’ve been working on for Image Arts, and voila, my name shall pollute an entire page on google’s search engine.

My Digital Footprint

1) What does your current digital footprint says about you?

To my self-satisfaction, my last name is rare indeed. So rare, that I am the ONLY student in Canada with the last name Zatroutine. Come to think of it, me and my family are the only “Zatroutine”s in Canada. Ergo, the results from a search engine whence my name is imputed, comes very short. Besides my Website, my Facebook, my Facebook in Korean, and my Twitter, nothing comes directly linking to me (or things made by me).

One interesting post that I found was made by a website that puts up common terms put on people’s Facebook status. I was involved in this because I once put up a status which included the word “Antediluvian”.  Besides groups on Facebook, and other people who have me added as a friend on there (or some other networking service), nothing else shows up that is minor.

2) Would you want an employer or teacher to see that? What do you want it to show and say?

Personally, I would not react in a negative way if an employer or teacher was to see this. As far as i can see, nothing embarrassing shows up. Also, considering my own website shows up first, I am rather satisfied with the search result.

I feel that because my Digital Footprint is so clean, I have the great opportunity of making my reputation not only stronger, but more related to my design and/or work.